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8086 Micro Controllers Important Questions

8086 Micro Controllers Important Questions

1)      Explain the need of segmentation
2)      List the internal registers in 8086 Microprocessor
3)      Explain the roles of BIU and EU
4)      What are the advantages of pipelining
5)      List the signals in minimum and maximum modes
6)      Explain the roles of pins TEST, LOCK
7)      Which are the pins of 8086 that are to be connected to interface 8284 and explain their functions
8)      Which are the pins of 8086 that are to be connected to 8087 and explain their Functions?
9)      List the signals in minimum and maximum modes
10)  Explain the roles of pins TEST, LOCK
11)  Which are the pins of 8086 that are to be connected to interface 8284 and explain their functions
12)  Which are the pins of 8086 that are to be connected to 8087 and explain their Functions
13)What do you mean by multi tasking?
14)What is a pipe lined architecture?
15)  What is the use of instruction queue and what is its size?
16)  What are the two modes of operation in 8086 and how they are selected?
17)  List the logical operations possible using 8086.
18)  What are the segments available in 8086 CPU?
19)  What is the function of a instruction pointer in 8086?
20)  How clock signal is generated in 8086? What is the maximum internal clock frequency of 8086?
21)  If the execution unit generates an effective address of 43A2H and the DS register contains 4000H, what will be the physical address generated by the BIU?
22)  If AL = -9 and BL = 4710 after IDIV BL what are the values of AL and AH.
23)  IF AX = -20010 and CX = 670H after IMUL CX what are the values of AX and DX
24)  Explain AAA, AAD, AAM, AAS instructions with examples.
25)  Explain DAA, DAS instructions with examples.
26)  Explain the instructions related to the fixed and variable ports.
27)  Explain the instructions related to arithmetic and logical shift.
28)  How REP instruction is used along with string instructions.
29)  Explain different types of CALL instructions
30)  Define Register Relative Addressing Mode.
31)  Define Relative based indexed addressing mode:
32)  List the branch related addressing mode
33)  List the functions of Bus Interface Unit in 8086
34)  Write any two advantages of segment registers in 8086
35)  What is the use of Instruction pointer in 8086?
36)  Write about the auxiliary carry flag used in 8086?
37)  When the Overflow flag is set?
38)  Define Register addressing mode:
39)  Define Register Indirect Addressing mode
40)  Define Register relative addressing mode
41)  Define Based Indexed addressing mode
42)  Define Intra segment direct addressing mode
43)  Define Intra segment Indirect addressing mode
44)  Define Inter segment addressing mode:
45)  Define Inter segment Indirect addressing mode:
46)  What is the use of PUSHF instruction used in 8086
47)  Define XLAT instruction used in 8086.
48)  What is the use of ‘W’ bit in opcode ?.
49)  What is DAS instruction?
50)  What is Packed BCD Format?
51)  What is the value of ‘AX’ after executing following instructions.
MOV  AL,’7’
ADD AL,’3’
52)  What is difference between DIV and IDIV instruction in 8086 ?
53)  Write about the following instruction :  MOV CS:[BX], DL
54)  What is Programmed I/O ?
55)  What is the use of Directives in 8086 ?
56)  What is AAS instruction in 8086 ?
57)  What is Unpacked BCD Format ?
58)  What is the value of AL after executing the following instructions.
59)  Define Segment Override Prefix.
60)  Write the difference between CBW and CWD instruction in 8086.
61)  Write about the following instruction : LES CX, [3483H]
62)  Define EQU directive in 8086 assembly language?
63)  Write the use of Assume directive in 8086 assembly language using one example?
64)  Define EXTRN directive in 8086 assembly language?
65)  What is the use of TEST instruction in 8086?
66)  Define LAHF and SAHF instructions in 8086.
67)  While handling the interrupt instructions in 8086, what are the internal operations may be carried out by the stack?
68)  Write about EVEN directive in 8086 ALP.
69)  Write about the following instruction :
            Call WORD PTR [BX]
70)  When the 8086 processor is in minimum mode?
71)  When the 8086 processor is in maximum mode?
72)  Write any three differences between 8086 and 8088?
73)  Define Instruction cycle?
74)  What is polling?
75)  How physical address is computed in 8086?
76)  What are the segments available in 8086 CPU?
77)  How does the 8086 processor access a word at an odd address?
78)  What are the features of 8086 programmed I/O?
79)  What do you mean by pipelining in an 8086 processor?
80)  What is the purpose of CLK signal in 8086 CPU?
81)  What is the function of instruction pointer in 8086?
1)      Explain the need of segmentation.
2)      List the internal registers in 8086 Microprocessor
3)      Explain the roles of BIU and EU.
4)      Explain all the flags in 8086.
5)      Sketch and explain the interface of 32K x 16 ROMs using a decoder in minimum mode.
6)      Sketch and explain the interface of 8K x 16 RAMs using a decoder in minimum mode.
7)      Sketch and explain the 8086 bus activities during read machine cycle
8)      Draw a neat block diagram of the architecture of an 8086 microprocessor and explain the different functional units available in detail.
9)      Explain the addressing modes of 8086with examples.
10)  How the instruction set of 8086 are been classified. Explain them with examples.
11)  Explain the maximum mode of operation of 8086 microprocessor.
12)  Explain the addressing modes of 8086with examples.
13)  Draw a neat block diagram of the architecture of an 8086 microprocessor and explain the different flag registers available in 8086.
14)  Explain the architecture of an 8086 processor with a neat sketch and give the significance of various ‘O’, ’T’,’I’ and ‘D’ flags of 8086.
15)  What are the data related addressing modes in 8086 and explain each with a neat diagram.          
16)  Show the ODD and EVEN bank arrangement of memory in 8086.
17)  Explain the interrupt structure of 8086.
18)  Explain the minimum mode of operation in 8086.

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