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Micro Processor and Micro controllers Important Questions

Micro Processor and Micro controllers Important Questions

a. General definitions of mini computers etc,.
Q1. Differentiate between a microprocessor and a micro controller
Q2. Differentiate between a microprocessor and digital signal processor
b. Overview of 8085 Microprocessor
Q1. List the internal registers in 8085 microprocessor and their abbreviations and lengths.
Describe the primary function of each register.
Q2. List five levels of interrupts in 8085 microprocessor with priority.
Q3. Interface a key to SID pin of 8085 Microprocessor.
Q4. Interface a LED to SOD pin of 8085 Microprocessor.
Q5. In 8085 microprocessor which has higher the priority NMI or DMA
Q6. What are the differences between Memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O
c. Overview of 8086 Microprocessor
Q1. Explain the need of segmentation
Q2. List the internal registers in 8086 Microprocessor
Q3. Explain the roles of BIU and EU
Q4. What are the advantages of pipelining
Q5. Explain all the flags in 8086
d. Signals and pins of 8086 microprocessor
Q1. List the signals in minimum and maximum modes
Q2. Explain the roles of pins TEST, LOCK
Q3. Which are the pins of 8086 that are to be connected to interface 8284 and explain
their functions
Q4. Which are the pins of 8086 that are to be connected to 8087 and explain their

M2. Assembly language of 8086

a. Description of Instructions
Q1. If AL = -9 and BL = 4710 after IDIV BL what are the values of AL and AH.
Q2. IF AX = -20010 and CX = 670H after IMUL CX what are the values of AX and DX
Q3. Explain AAA, AAD, AAM, AAS instructions with examples.
Q4. Explain DAA, DAS instructions with examples.
Q5. Explain the instructions related to the fixed and variable ports.
Q6. Explain the instructions related to arithmetic and logical shift.
Q7. How REP instruction is used along with string instructions.
Q8. Explain different types of CALL instructions
b. Assembly directives.
Q1. What is the length of bytes reserved for the following directive STORE DW 100
Q2. What is the difference between ENDS and ENDP directives.
Q3. Explain PTR directive
c. Algorithms with assembly software programs
Q1. Write an algorithm to convert BCD to Binary numbers. Write 8086 assembly
program to convert two digit BCD number to hexadecimal number
Q2. Write an algorithm to convert Binary number to BCD number. Write 8086 assembly
program to convert one byte Binary number to BCD.
Q3. Write an algorithm to evaluate a factorial of an integer number N. Write an assembly
program using recursive procedure.
Q4. Write an algorithm to find GCD of two numbers. Write an assembly program to find
GCD of two words.
Q5. Write an algorithm and assembly program to sort the numbers in an array in
descending order using bubble sort method

M3. Interfacing with 8086

a Interfacing with RAM’s and ROM’s
Q1. Sketch and explain the interface of 32K x 16 ROMs using a decoder in minimum
mode. What is the maximum access time of ROMs such that it does not require wait
states when 8086 operates at 8 MHz
Q2. Sketch and explain the interface of 8K x 16 RAMs using a decoder in minimum
mode. What is the maximum access time of RAMs such that it does not require wait
states when 8086 operates at 8 MHz
Q3. Sketch and explain the 8086 bus activities during read machine cycle
b Interfacing with peripheral IC’s like 8255 etc,.
Q1. Sketch and explain the interface of PPI 8255 to the 8086 microprocessor in minimum
mode. Interface 8 LEDs to the port B of 8255. Interface 8 keys to the port A. Write an
8086 assembly program to read the key status and output on to the 8 LEDs
i) Interface an 8 bit ADC 808 to port A. Derive control signals from port C. Write an
8086 assembly program segment to read an analog signal.
ii) Interface an 8 bit DAC 08 to port A. Write an 8086 assembly program segment to
output a ramp.
iii) Interface 16 ch x 1Line LCD to port A. Derive control signals from port C. Write
an 8086 assembly program segment to flash WELCOME TO CEDT
Q2. Sketch and explain the interface of PIT 8254 to the 8086 microprocessor in minimum
mode. Write an 8086 assembly program to generate a clock of 10 Hz on the OUT 0
pin. Write an 8086 assembly program to generate a hardware triggerable mono-shot
of 1 msec pulse width.
Q3. Sketch and explain the interface of 8279 to the 8086 microprocessor in minimum
mode. Interface 8x8 key pad and 16x 7 Seg LED display. Write an 8086 assembly
program to read the key codes of keys and display -IISc-BANGALORE
Q4.Sketch and explain the interface of PIC 8259 to the 8086 microprocessor in minimum
mode. Show the cascading of additional eight 8259s to provide 64 external interrupts.
Write an 8086 assembly program to initialize master 8259 and slaves.

M5. Architecture of Microcontrollers

a Overview of 8051 micro controller architecture
Q1. How Harvard architecture is implemented in 8051
Q2. List the features of 8051
Q3. What are the alternate functions of Port 3, port 2, and Port 0
Q4. List all SRF’s
Q5. How do you differentiate between SFR bits and internal memory bits
Q6. What are the advantages of register banks
Q7. What is the maximum program memory and data memory can be interfaced
Q8. List all interrupt vectors.

M6. Assembly language of 8051

a. Description of instructions
Q1. Explain MUL AB and DIV AB instructions
Q2. Explain two indirect indexed instructions
Q3. Explain all flags in 8051
Q4. Explain all Boolean instructions
Q5. Explain all compare instructions
Q6. Write a program to decrement the value of DPTR
b. Assembly Directives
Q1. Explain 8051 assembler directives EQU, SET and BIT with one example each.
Q2. Explain 8051 assembler directives DBIT and DS with one example each.
c. Algorithms with 8051 assembly language programs
Q1. Write an 8051 assembly program to exchange the data using PUSH and POP
Q2. Write an 8051 assembly program to convert two digit BCD number to hexadecimal
Q3. Write an 8051 assembly program to convert one byte Binary number to BCD.
Q4. Write an 8051 assembly program to evaluate the factorial of an integer number N
using recursive procedure.
Q5. Write an 8051 assembly program to find GCD of two numbers.
Q6. Write an 8051 assembly program to sort the number in an array using bubble sort

M7. Interfacing with 8051

a. Interfacing with peripherals like keyboards, LEDs, 7 segment LEDs, LCDs,
ADCs, etc,.
Q1. Sketch and explain the interface of 8x4 key matrix using 8:1 multiplexer, and a 3:8
decoder to 8051 microcontroller. Write an 8051 assembly program segment to input
the code of keys.
Q2. Switch the interface of a single red LED to 8051 microcontroller. Write an 8051
assembly program segment to blink the LED at 5Hz.
Q3. Sketch the interface of a 4x7 segment LEDs to the 8051 microcontroller. Write an
8051 assembly program segment to display I.I.Sc
Q4. Sketch the interface of a 16ch x 1line LCD to the 8051 microcontroller. Write an
8051 assembly program segment to display NPTEL
Q5. Sketch the interface of an ADC 808 to the 8051 microcontroller. Write an 8051
assembly program segment to read an analog signal through the ADC
Q6. Sketch the interface of a DAC 08 to the 8051 microcontroller. Write an 8051
assembly program segment to output a ramp signal through the DAC.
Q7. Sketch the interface of a RTC 1307 to the 8051 microcontroller. Write an 8051
assembly program segment to read and write real time into the RTC.

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